Above and below: Two weeks old.
You can sort of see the white stripes developing on his back. They are sort of blurred into one white line...

Above: Three weeks old. (Taken today)
The white stripes have become more distinct Vs running down his back! He's also about to molt (again). You can't see it very well, but his head (on the left) looks like it's going to pop off at any minute. Don't worry, it won't, but the outside layer of his body will!
Above: Three weeks old. (Taken today)
The white stripes have become more distinct Vs running down his back! He's also about to molt (again). You can't see it very well, but his head (on the left) looks like it's going to pop off at any minute. Don't worry, it won't, but the outside layer of his body will!
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