09 February 2009

here i go again

Dear readers,

No you are not going crazy, yes, I did indeed start a new blog. Wow, I never really thought of myself as the "blogging" type, and yet here I am starting numero 3. I guess I just have a lot of thoughts that are in my head that need some sort of outlet. And as fate would have it, there are people in this world who enjoy reading things that I write.

Thus, I present you with "if amy ran the world."

I seem to be at an intersection of my life, where the world is kind of a confusing place. I find myself questioning the way things work, and questioning the world in general. Why are things the way they are? How can they be better? What's up with all the issues we have with social justice? Why is religion such a touchy subject? Why does the world suck sometimes? So here I am to provide an outflow of my thoughts about life and the world in general.

I do have some viewer discretion advisements:

1. What will be contained in this blog will most likely be MY OPINIONS about things. I am well aware that my opinions are not always very sound or correct, but they are mine, so I must own up to them. And please be aware that I do not mean to offend anyone with my words. We all have opinions and that is why the world is full of disagreements. But honestly, how boring would life be if we agreed all the time? That being said, I do welcome and respect others' opinions, and hope that you will likewise respect my opinions.

2. Between the influence of public school and my family, I have been taught to think critically. This means that I might be a little critical of things every now and then. If you know me at all, you know that I tend to be a very optimistic/idealistic person. This, however, does not mean that I don't have some qualms with the world in which we live. It just means that sometimes I don't completely acknowledge reality and would rather spend my time dreaming of how the world should/could be. So if I say things that sound like I have my head in the clouds, I probably do, so just leave me there for a while before you bring me crashing back down to the real world.

3. I love Jesus. That being said, a lot of how I view the world is from a religious/spiritual/"christian" perspective. A lot of what I think about on a daily basis has to do with God. Therefore, a safe assumption would be that a lot of what I write about will probably have a lot to do with God.

4. I don't really have issues with bringing up and discussing controversial issues. I would much rather spend my time engaging in conversations about the controversial than hiding from them. I am not afraid of heated discussions, and am happy to be able to voice my perspective any time. I do not believe that discussions of this nature are inherently hostile, and that they can be quite productive if the participants are themselves not hostile, but approach it with intelligence and good points.

Whew, now that I got those out of my system, you have been sufficiently forewarned of the content of this blog.

I hope you find interest in the things I have to say, but if not, that's cool. I'm just someone trying to figure out what I believe about this world, and feel the need to articulate it. If you've read down this far, I do appreciate your attention and truly hope that whatever I post on here will challenge you as much as it will have challenged me.

p.s. I very well may be jumping into the deep end by starting this blog, but hey, why not?

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