27 April 2009

stunning contrast

In slight continuation of my post yesterday...

While hundreds of us were peacefully rallying at the Capitol building in St Paul this weekend, a stunningly different scene was unfolding in Minneapolis. Riots were breaking out in Dinkytown, not far from the U of MN campus in Minneapolis. Partying that had started Saturday morning around 9, had escalated to full blown riots by evening--street fires, tear gas, overturned cars, bottles flying, etc. Wow. 

Talk about contrast.

In both scenes, you have hundreds of students/young adults gathered under a unified purpose. And yet they were so far removed from each other. The riots of course made front page of the Minnesota Daily (our University newspaper), while the Invisible Children rally made the 3rd page. 

What were the riots really about? Students drinking too much and wanting to have "fun"? How does that impact the world, other than giving the University a slightly worse reputation? 

What if all of that energy had been put towards something that matters? What if those hundreds had joined our hundreds to make a thousand? Would the child soldiers have made front page news?

What if people actually thought about their actions and made an effort to impact the world positively instead of the alternative?

For more information about the riots visit www.mndaily.com

To see which cities are still waiting to be rescued for the Invisible Children rally visit www.invisiblechildren.com

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