22 April 2011

A very Good Friday, indeed.

Happy Holy week! In honor of Good Friday and Easter, a couple my friends (and fellow photographers) and I put together a photo exhibit. Here is an electronic version of the real thing, for your enjoyment.

Artist Commentary:

In Romans 5, Paul says that when sin entered this world, so did death. Death came to all men because all have sinned. These two concepts are intertwined, you can’t have one without the other. And the lives we live on this Earth are steeped in both.

Sin has an amazing grip on our lives, from things that we do and say, things we experience, to things we feel. Feelings of anger, loneliness, inner turmoil, hate, sorrow, captivity, and brokenness are all consequences of sin. In the same way that physical death ends physical life, these feelings and emotions put to death emotional and spiritual life.

THIS is the power of the Jesus. That He, who was void of sin, gave Himself over to the ultimate consequence of sin. He died so that we may have life. He destroyed the enemy that we try to fight powerlessly every day. And now, death has no power over us, no matter how much we deserve it.

He has given us peace, hope, love, joy, and community. He has set us free. He has made us whole. He has brought us back to life and is allowing us to live it to the fullest.

And this is the idea behind this exhibit--death as we know it before Christ and life as we know it after Christ. Thank you so much, Renny, Sarah Mae, Jon, Bryce, and Abby for offering your beautifully emotional selves for this project. And thank you Amy and Izzy for letting me break the teapot.

Peace in Christ,

 "Broken vs. Whole"

 "Anger, Sorrow, and Loneliness"

"Peace, Joy, and Community"

"Captive vs. Free"

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