08 January 2012

On Weddings

Within the last 24 hours, I missed out on the weddings of two wonderful couples. And my heart aches. It's knowing that I'm missing the transition into a new (and significant!) season in my friends' lives. Of course I want to be there for the oohing and awwing over the beautiful brides, for the dancing, for the food, for the overall celebration...but the real reason I want to be there is to show my love and support for the couples. For them to know that I'm excited for them, that I can't wait to see them grow together and start a new life together.

One of the weddings was that of one of my adopted brothers. I have known him for almost 15 years (holey buckets that's a long time!)...He has been a constant presence in my home life for more than half my life. I have countless memories of him randomly showing up at my house, doing crazy things with my brother, and teasing me like I was his sister (which I may as well be). The first time he brought his (now) wife over to my house, it was as though she was meeting an extension of his family--another set of parents and siblings. The amazing thing is that she fit in perfectly :) So even though I've only known her for a year (most of which I have spent in Singapore), I consider her to be a part of my family too.

The other wedding was that of a dear, dear friend of mine. We met in Singapore and spent a most wonderful year growing our relationship, sharing pineapple cheese prata and butter chicken, hanging out with high schoolers, and playing ultimate frisbee together (well, she did most of the playing and I did most of the watching...). We've been through ups and downs together, and my heart broke when she moved back to the U.S. Then she started dating this boy. And every time I skyped with her she was even more filled with joy than the time before. Though it was from afar, I got to watch her relationship grow deeper until the point when she got engaged. And let me tell you, I had a box of tissues in hand when she told me the proposal story. The joy didn't stop there, it continued to grow as I heard about wedding plans--to the point at which my heart was bursting with joy on her behalf! I miss her terribly, and cried tears of joy just thinking about her wedding yesterday. The first photos on Facebook sparked even more tears seeing how absolutely radiant she was in her dress with the love of her life by her side.

And so I want to say to these two couples, I love you and it is hard for me to not be able to take part in your celebrations. Celebrations indeed! But know that I am so excited to see what the Lord has planned for you as you venture into this new season of life together. And I miss you. Loads.

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