04 August 2009

Coffee List Entry #1

Coffee List Entry #1: J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter has been one of my all time favorite book series since I was introduced to it in the Seventh Grade. It was right before the fourth book (Goblet of Fire) was released. I vividly remember one day in school when several of my friends were sitting around the lunch table animatedly discussing this Harry Potter guy. I, being almost completely ignorant of his existence, sheepishly asked who it was they were talking about. After recovering from the shock that one of their friends was not aware of Harry Potter's existence, the first three books were promptly shoved into my hands by the avid fans in front of me. And the rest is history. Some eight odd years later, I am reading the sixth book (Half-blood Prince) for the 3rd or 4th time. I have been to 4 midnight book releases as well as the first five midnight showings of the movies. Harry Potter has been a significant part of my life.

This is why I pick J.K. Rowling as one of my coffee list contestants.

When the books were coming out, I was very near in age to Harry. Harry grew up as I grew up. Provided his life was slightly more exciting than mine, there were things that were very relatable. Going to a new school, not knowing anyone, having to make friends, and deal with good and bad teachers alike. Just growing up in general and the new challenges life hands you. I wasn't fighting for my life against the ultimately evil wizard or anything, but you know... It also provided a common link in some friendships that I have to this day. We bonded over Harry Potter, speculating on what would happen in the next book, reminiscing over what happened in the last one, and trying to make sense of the plot and characters and how it all fits so nicely together.

I would like to talk to Ms. Rowling about where Harry came from. How did she first think of him? How long did it take to create the Wizarding world? Where did she get ideas for their banking system, schooling system, names, etc? How did Harry change her life? Does it reflect elements of her own life? Did she have an idea of what was going to happen in the seventh book when she was writing the earlier ones? What caused the series to get so dark near the end? What's it like having such a huge fan base and creating books that inspire children to read? How did she deal with the controversy of the books being about witchcraft? Where's her favorite place to eat? What's her favorite thing to do with her kids? When she was young did she always want to be an author? What was her family like growing up? Does she believe in God? If so (or not), did her theological beliefs affect the story of Harry?

And so many more.

Harry Potter has stimulated my imaginative and intellectual minds and had a great effect on my life. To meet the creator of this huge influence on my adolescence, would be unbelievable.

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