23 November 2010

Highlights and Lowlights.

On Sunday, Mama Bear and Papa Bear left for a second honeymoon/vacation/celebration of their anniversary type of a trip. To Bali. I'm only a little jealous. This meant that I got to spend three days and two nights with their wonderful offspring. Even though there is still about 6 hours left before the king and queen return to the castle, I wanted to offer a summary of my experience as a single parent: The highlights and lowlights.

Highlight: Monkey teaches Mouse how to play his favorite board game.

Highlight: Monkey and Mouse play together a lot and have a lot of fun.

Lowlight: Monkey and Mouse play the same matching/memory game over and over and over and over and insist that I sit there to flip the cards over.

Highlight: My friends come over and Monkey gives them a tour of the house.

Highlight: My friends come over and Mouse has new people to play with.

Highlight: Mouse licks my finger (randomly) and says "Mmmmm yummy!"

Lowlight: Mouse wakes me up at 5 in the morning and then cries for an hour when he realizes that it's me and not his mom...

Lowlight: Mouse head butting Monkey to wake him up in the morning.

Highlight: Mouse sleeps for two hours after school and still goes to bed on time.

Highlight: What I did while Mouse sleeps for two hours: Drive home from preschool, transfer him from car seat to couch, took a power nap, transferred him to stroller, walked to grocery store, went shopping, and started walking home. Then he woke up.

Highlight: My friend Kerri Jo comes over.

Highlight: Swimming with Monkey.

Lowlight: Missing Young Life.

Highlight:  Bringing Mouse downstairs to let Monkey get to sleep and him saying "Look, it's dark! It's dark! Let's go chicken rice!". To which I say, "It's dark because it's night time and you already ate dinner." and he looks at me with this "so what?" kind of a look and says "Let's go blue car...chicken rice!"

Highlight: Going to the book fair at SAS and picking out books with Monkey.

Lowlight: Mouse saying his new favorite thing: "It's broken! Why it's broken?" and having Monkey freak out because he thinks something really is broken.

Highlight: Sleeping in til 6, and being woken up to Mouse talking to me instead of crying.

Obviously the highlights outweigh the lowlights, even so, we'll all be happy to see Mama and Papa Bear tonight!


  1. Haha I can still see Gabriel's face when he said "MMMMm Yummy!" So funny!

  2. You did an amazing job and we are so appreciative!
