26 July 2010

My new wingman

Today, I figured out how to change the public perception of my WPness (white-person-ness). Cart around an adorable half-Asian kid. The focus shifts from check out that WP to check out that cute Asian kid with the WP.

I needed to go downtown to return some games that I had borrowed from Monkey's group therapy center. In a spontaneous act of kindness (towards Mama Bear and Monkey), I offered to take Mouse with me. The kid loves trains and so I figured what better way to spend the afternoon than riding the MRT with him. And so we set off.

Once we got to the MRT station, my little companion started the never ending chorus of Train! Train! Train! I assured him that this time we weren't just looking, we were going to ride. I folded up the stroller, took his hand, and we confidently stepped onto the escalator that would lead us to the platform. There it was: the ever so magical train. Mouse's eyes were wide with wonder as we boarded and found seats.

Immediately I noticed eyes being drawn to the tyke shouting Train! Train! Train! When smiles appeared around the car, they were returned with a grin from Mouse. He immediately took it upon himself to make a friend out of the lady next to him. With a toothy smile and a shy hi, he would be able to soften the heart of anyone. By the end of the ride he had flirted with about every girl in view and had melted all of their hearts.

We succeeded in the task that we had set out to do, and killed some time by exploring some of the malls nearby. By the time we got back to the MRT, rush hour was starting to set in. The train was packed like sardines, which didn't really meet the fancy of Mouse who was stuck in his stroller. When the crowds thinned out, I found a seat and let him sit on my lap. This time he captured the attention of the entire car full of people by laughing a high-pitched cackle of a laugh. Normally MRT cars are filled with somber, serious folks simply rushing to and from a laundry list of to-dos. Today, Mouse changed that. He made some smiles appear out of nowhere and hopefully a little distraction from the daily grind for those people.

Once again he introduced himself to half the people near him and entertained us all by shouting out letters he recognized in the train car ads. An Indian woman who sat next to him, was so infatuated she gave him a little teddy bear.

I came to the conclusion that Mouse makes a fantastic wingman and I should take him out more. My only problem is that he only picks up chicks...

1 comment:

  1. So sweet - how fun for him, you and the other blessed passengers! It's good to read you are well and enjoying your time there. We mn miss you!
