22 August 2010

Living the Transient Life

We are the Transient People
We are the movers and shakers
We are the Nomads
We don't settle for anything
We know where we came from
We know we are here now
We don't know how long we will be here
We don't know where we will go next
We are Singapore.

It is well known that Singapore has a large international population. There are people from everywhere. And the more people I meet, the more I realize what an unlikely combination we are. Yesterday I went biking with a couple of Americans, an Indonesian, an Australian, and a Frenchman. The two things we have in common? We are all in Singapore and we don't know how long we'll be here.

It is because of these commonalities that I have found friendship here. I am meeting and befriending people that I would probably never have the opportunity to meet and befriend else where. It's been a treat and an honor to meet people from all around the world and find that the one thing we have in common (Singapore) is more than enough reason to be friends.

Beyond the circle of friends that I have formed, Singapore is, in general a transient place. It has a very fluid atmosphere, people are constantly coming and going, even Singaporeans. It's sort of like a college campus--students come from different places, but are all there for a reason, and there are always students graduating and moving on while new ones come in.

It is a little of a strange change of pace. I'm used to the Midwest where most people are looking to settle down. Get a job. Get married. Have kids. Pick a spot and stay there. There are definitely people that I know in America that aren't looking for that, and want to bounce around for a while. But they are definitely in the minority. The majority of people I've met here are certainly not here to settle...

I am definitely encouraged by the people here. It's nice to know that there are others who are sharing in the nomadic existence with me. Most, like me, don't know how long they'll be here. And most don't know where they would go after this season of their life. I am in good company.

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