17 September 2010

My holey heart

Singapore has been a huge blessing to me. It is for this reason that I haven't spent too much of my time looking back on what I left behind. It has taken me two and a half months to really feel the weight of homesickness. Maybe I was in the honeymoon period.

For whatever reason, a lot of things happened to coincide this week and last that have made me miss America intensely.

My Grandpa is in the hospital and I just want to be with my family.
My friends have all started school again and I want to be there with them for that.
Some of my friends here went back to America for various reasons this week, and where's the fairness in that?
One of my kids in Minnesota is turning 2.
Fall is happening in America!

And the list goes on.

It's hard to be here and know about all of the things I'm missing there. But I also have this gut feeling that if I were there I would have the same trouble missing all of the things here. There is a hole in my heart for the people and places in America that I love.

Regardless, God is good, and He's taking care of me here. I guess the more I miss, the better it'll be when I finally come home again.

P.S. You are encouraged to email or video chat or send snail mail or contact me in anyway or form. I miss all your faces!

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Amy,
    What you are feeling and experiencing is huge - learning to live in another country and culture enlarges your world in amazing ways. You will never be the same again. The secret is learning to be totally present where you are, and letting that place and those people become part of you. When the time comes to leave and pull up the roots again, you will feel the pain, but you will learn over time that as Christians, as disciples of Jesus, we are truly pilgrims in this world. By His Grace we can be at home wherever He plants us, at the same time feeling more and more homesick for our real home, the one He is preparing for us.
    Thanks for thinking of Grandpa in the hospital, and for praying for him. We need to video chat so you can see how good he is looking.
    Love, love, love, Grandma
