17 September 2010

the Young in Life

There's this organization called Young Life, and I am apparently the only American ever who hadn't ever heard of it (at least before I moved here). Basically, it is a ministry for international high schoolers in other countries (i.e. Americans). They provide youth groups and other fun stuff for the students, and in general provide a good influence, support, and teachings about Jesus. It was really a natural progression for me to become involved, because most of the staff go to my church and I live two blocks away from the school where 95% of the students in Young Life go.

Every Monday night I volunteer and help out with Club, the weekly large group meeting. It always takes place at some house or another along my street, which is fantastically convenient for me. We sing songs and put on crazy skits and do crazy games, all in all its a good time.

For the last two weeks we've had an average of 50 kids. That's a lot of high schoolers. Most of whom have lived here for years and years, and have known each other for a while. It has been overwhelming to try and introduce myself to them, mostly because I'm the newbie--to Singapore and Young Life.

I'm excited to be a part of it, and am hoping that by living in their neighborhood, I'll be able to just be around for these kids. Who knows, I might even start up a bible study for some of the girls. One thing I do know is that I get to be a Cabin Leader for a retreat in November at an Indonesian Resort. That's what I'm talking about...

I'm sure I will have plenty of stories to tell about my adventures with Young Life. So far it's involved lots of waffles, wiffleball with shaving cream, and pretending to shave my legs in front of everyone. I realized that it's a lot easier for me to put myself out there in a crowd of high schoolers now than it was when I was in high school. It's probably because I really don't care what they think of me, and they have to deal with me no matter what.

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