24 August 2011

August 19, 2011: A Day in Photos

About two weeks ago, I had an idea.

It was about 11pm, and I was probably looking at some photo blog or another, just unwinding at the end of the day. Then I thought, how cool would it be if I had a bunch of my friends join me in my Photo-a-Day project for just one day. Have everyone take a few photos of whatever they were doing, wherever they were, on one specific day. So I picked a random day the following week, and created an event on our favorite social networking site. I invited all my friends, and waited.

I had, what was for me, an overwhelmingly positive response. I figured that I could probably twist the arms of those in Singapore with me and my family members--I was hoping for maybe 10 contributors tops. What I got was close to 70 yays.

August 19th came and went, and I sent out pleading emails and texts to remind everyone to take and send me their photos.

In the end (including myself), there were 43 contributors representing 9 countries, and a total of 155 photos (more than I could have hoped for!). I'm really proud of everyone who came through!

Along with their photos, a lot of people told me how much fun they had had taking photos that day. That they went on an awesome walk or took photos of things that they do or see every day but had never thought to take a photo of before. Most of the time, we only take photos of special events, to record once in a lifetime things. But if you think about it, there are a lot of little special things that we see or do that we take for granted. From doing a Photo-a-Day, I've learned to seek those things out rather than waiting for them to show up. I am so glad to have been able to share in that similar experience with all the contributors on August 19.

Stay tuned for the next Day in Photos opportunity!!

1 comment:

  1. So I'm WAY behind and just re-entered the blogsphere. I LOVED this! And I promise to participate in the next one!
