03 August 2011

Flying faster than time

Once again, I have made the flight to go from one side of the world to the other. Flying outside of time from one channel of my life to another. My brain handles the change better than the rest of my body. I see Asian people, I smell Asian smells, I see cars on the left side of the road, and my brain is already halfway there.

It's the rest of my body that has issues. Switching the routine of my body from night to day and day to night is not the easiest. My stomach wants to eat lunch at midnight and doesn't want anything during the day. My whole body suffers from the inevitable fatigue of a new sleeping schedule.

So take the internal battle of my body and mix in some jet-lagged children, and what do you get? A house of chaos. One kid awake and hyper, and the other lethargic and crabby. Ten minutes later, it reverses. Meanwhile, I have hardly enough energy to think about unpacking, let alone to run around playing baseball and shooting rockets.

My foggy brain has a hard time imagining an end to the vicious cycle of jet lag, but having done this many times before, I have to trust that there will be an end as there always has been before.

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