17 August 2011

First day of School!! First day of School!!

It's hard to comprehend, as someone who has spent the better part of her life as a student, that there could be a better day than the first day of summer. It's the day that screams FREEDOM for a whole 3 months.

But I have found such a day. And it is the first day of school. As they read this, students everywhere are cringing and thinking "Why, why would she say such a thing?!" I never thought I would say it, but it is true.

I now join multitudes of mothers (though I am not a mother quite yet), in their feeling of elation that only comes as their kids leave the house, backpacks in tow, for another year of education. The house is quiet and still, and there is an aura of productivity in the air.

Kids are awesome and fun to have around, but it's hard to beat the ability to clean the kitchen uninterrupted (and for it to stay clean for more than 5 minutes!), to fold laundry without the neat piles being tossed around and jumped on, and to sit on one's backside, responding to emails, enjoying a cup of tea, and playing Monopoly.

Ah yes, the first day of school...

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